Saturday, June 12, 2010

Toss or Sell

I live in a small apartment in Brooklyn and over the years I have acquired more and more stuff. So every year I have to figure out what I really need. From clothes to paperwork to furniture, it's not an easy task going through everything. Once I throw away what I really don't need - usually the things that are just collecting dust - I then figure out what is worth selling. Which then puts in question: Do I have a stoop sale or do I go the Craigslist route? I've tried the stoop sale a few times and it's ok for a few hours on a nice day but I've realized that I end up making small change from $30 to $100. Of course I'm usually selling tiny things like books for 50 cents or some costume jewelry, but I just can't seem to throw it away after having spent my money on it. But then there are the big items like a desk where I resort to online sales at In the past, Craigslist has been great. I've sold everything from a pair of roller skates to a bed frame to a coffee table. It takes some patience and you have to be willing to allow strangers in your home to pick up the items, but so far everything has run smoothly. And it's all cash! However, in the current economy it seems like people are really looking for a bargain and Craigslist has basically turned out to be just as useful as having a stoop sale. This past week I've tried to sell a desk and chair for $85. No bites. So I lower it to $75 and got three inquiries. The first one I had to keep calling back to try and arrange a time and then he decided he didn't want it. The second decided he wanted a different color. And the third is trying to get me to lower the price to $40 and only wants the desk. That's quite the bargain seeing that the chair would not sell for $35. I think not mister! I'm hoping after the next week I'll get my way and have room for a new baby crib (which I'm sure I'll also be trying to sell on Craigslist in a few years).

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sports And Marriage

The basketball season is almost over and although I am not a huge sports enthusiast, I am happy that the Celtics are in the finals. Not just because I am originally from Massachusetts, but because it makes my husband happy. It's funny to watch how excited a man can get over bad calls on fouls and three point shots. There tends to be the occasional outburst at the TV and a random fist pump when things go right. I have a short attention span for sports and tend to leave the room to do whatever (clean, make something to eat, check Facebook), but I do enjoy watching when I know the team. I tend to watch the games with a totally different perspective than my husband though. I will comment on the cuteness of the players, how they wear their uniforms, and say things like "I think he needs a towel." I do think it's important to get involved with the games so that we can spend time together. Because if it's not basketball, then there's baseball, and football. And now that the World Cup is starting, there will be soccer. And it's not like the games are on once a week, like a typical TV show that I would watch. There's always sports and there are many channels dedicated to them.

The thing I do hate about sports though are those ridiculous commentator shows, like "Around the Horn." Do all guys yell about sports? It just hurts my head to listen to them. I enjoy a good biography show about an athlete, but these commentary shows are just noise to me. Sometimes I think having cable is just a burden on our relationship, but we seem to be able to compromise - or just leave the room.