Wednesday, April 7, 2010

LOST & Found

Last night was another amazing episode of LOST! It was a breath of fresh air to finally have an episode about Desmond (all cleaned up with no visible open shirt chest hair) and no mention of the smoke monster and Locke. I would really like to know more about the good vs. evil focus, but I was happy to see the writers get back to some things that were mentioned many episodes ago and to see how Desmond's "flash sideways" played out, especially with Charlie. And it was interesting to see how they realized that the flash sideways are not real life. I'm very much looking forward to next weeks episode which looks like it will be about the always entertaining Hurley.

And if you want more of some of the actors on the show, ABC's FlashForward, V, and the new Happy Town all have various actors. It's amazing to see that "Juliette" landed a main role on V now. I have not had any interest in watching that show but I have caught a few of the beginning episodes of FlashForward and thought it was decent but not good enough to keep me coming back each week. I can't wait for MadMen to start again to fill the void once LOST is over!

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